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Legal Fees and Costs in a Miami Divorce Case – How Much Will it Cost Me to Divorce My Spouse?


One thing that most individuals and couples in Miami and throughout Florida know about divorces within the Sunshine State is that they are not typically free of charge. Indeed, even if a person represents themselves pro bono – that is, without a Miami divorce attorney – they still will face certain costs that come with every Miami divorce case. But what exactly are the various costs that parties are required to pay in a Miami divorce case, and where can individuals and couples in Miami turn if they need legal assistance with their Miami divorce? To help individuals and couples in Miami better understand the landscape of fees and costs in a Miami divorce case, and where to go for legal help, we answer those questions here.

Fees vs. Costs in a Miami Divorce Case: The Basics

At the outset, it is important for individuals and couples in Miami to know that there is a distinction between “legal fees” and “legal costs”. “Legal costs” in a Miami divorce case include the monetary costs that are required by the court and other services in order to file and proceed with the Miami divorce case. On the other hand, the term “legal fees” refers to the fees that a party pays to their legal counsel, or their Miami divorce attorney. Fees and costs differ greatly and also differ from case to case. It is important for individuals and couples in Miami to be aware of the differences, and how much they may face in fees and costs in their Miami divorce case.

Legal Costs in a Miami Divorce Case – Mandatory Court Costs and Other Costs

Typically, in any state and in any type of case brought under civil or family laws, the person bringing the case, called the “plaintiff” or “complainant” is required to pay a fee to the court of jurisdiction for filing the case. This is called a “filing fee.” In Florida, filing fees are typically around $409 for divorce cases. In addition to the filing fee for initiating the case, the plaintiff or complainant must typically also pay a separate fee (around $10) for serving the summons in the case (the document notifying the opposing party, or “defendant” that the case has been initiated in court against them). In addition to these fees, there may be a separate fee for online filing that is under $10.

Beyond the costs that are required to initiate the case, a Miami divorce case may require things like depositions (and a court reporter), mediation, postage, and other fees that are necessary to litigate the case. Some of these costs can be minor, and some of them can be larger costs. In order to determine what fees and costs might look like in your particular Miami divorce case, it is best to speak with an experienced Miami divorce attorney as soon as possible.

Where to Turn for Help with Your Miami Divorce 

If you are in the Miami area and you need legal help with your Miami divorce case, do not hesitate to speak with an experienced Miami divorce attorney about your case. The experienced Miami divorce lawyers at True North Law, P.A. are here to help individuals in Miami with their divorce cases. Call True North Law, P.A. today and speak to an experienced attorney about your Miami divorce case now.

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