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Miami Child Support & Custody Attorney / Blog / Divorce / Three Reasons Why Working with a Miami High Net-Worth Divorce Attorney Makes Sense – Protecting Your Interests in Your Miami High Net-Worth Divorce

Three Reasons Why Working with a Miami High Net-Worth Divorce Attorney Makes Sense – Protecting Your Interests in Your Miami High Net-Worth Divorce


One thing is certain about divorces in Miami: no two divorce cases are 100% the same. Divorce cases in Miami can differ in many ways, from child time-sharing issues to domestic violence issues requiring orders of protection, to the analysis and application of prenuptial and postnuptial agreements. Indeed, each Miami divorce case has its own unique set of facts, circumstances, and parties, and each Miami divorce case has its own unique resolution.

One situation that may provide an additional layer of challenges in the Miami divorce context is when a married couple has a particularly high net-worth. High net-worth divorces may pose tough questions relating to the substantial assets that a couple may have amassed during their time married together. In a high net-worth divorce in Miami, a couple will have assets that total a value of $1 million or more. In these cases, working with a Miami high net-worth divorce lawyer is advisable to best protect one’s rights when it comes to dividing up real estate properties, bank accounts, and other valuable property. But why is working with a lawyer a good idea when it comes to a high net-worth divorce, and where can individuals in Miami who are seeking a high net-worth divorce go for legal help? To help individuals in Miami who are facing a high net-worth divorce better understand how a Miami high net-worth divorce attorney can help them, we answer those questions here.

Reason #1: The Complexity of Financial Issues in a High-Net Worth Divorce 

Miami high net-worth divorces involve significant assets that were amassed by the couple in their marriage, such as stock accounts, real property, luxury cars and other goods, fine art, businesses, and other valuable assets. One of the things that must be determined is the valuation of these assets, so that they can be divided between the divorcing spouses. An experienced Miami high net-worth divorce attorney can help a person seeking a high net-worth divorce appraise the value of their assets so that they can be in the best position in their divorce.

Reason #2: Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements Should be Analyzed by an Experienced Miami Lawyer

Secondly, if you signed a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement, it makes sense to work with an experienced Miami high net-worth divorce attorney. Even if a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement exists, it still must be enforced, in order for the terms to “stick.” Accordingly, working with an experienced Miami high net-worth divorce attorney can increase your chances that the divorce keeps to the terms agreed upon by you and your soon-to-be ex.

Reason #3: Uncle Sam May Has an Interest in Your Miami High Net-Worth Divorce 

There is no question that dividing up valuable assets may have tax implications. An experienced Miami high net-worth divorce attorney can help you navigate complex tax issues in your divorce, or refer you to a professional who can help you avoid any unintended tax consequences.

Where to Turn for Legal Help with Your High Net-Worth Divorce in Miami 

If you need legal help with your high net-worth divorce in Miami, contact the experienced Miami high net-worth divorce attorneys at True North Law, P.A. The experienced Miami high net-worth divorce attorneys at True North Law, P.A. are here to help those in Miami who are seeking a high net-worth divorce with their challenging issues. Contact True North Law, P.A. today and speak to a lawyer about your case.

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