Woman Throws $30,000 Divorce Party in Miami Beach

While most Miami residents have likely heard of a lavish wedding or an expensive getaway elopement, fewer have likely heard of a divorce party. Indeed, while it is traditional to celebrate the merging of two people and two families with guests as witnesses, fine food, and a DJ’d party, it is less common to celebrate the end of a couple’s matrimony with an all-out festive blowout. However, one woman decided to do just that in Miami Beach earlier this spring, and she has no regrets.
According to Grazia Daily, business coach and influencer who grew up in Miami but is now based in Scotland, Philipp, knew from the get-go that her marriage was probably doomed to fail. Philipp was married during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Copenhagen, Denmark, in August, 2020, and her family attended only by Zoom call. Philipp says of her wedding day, “My parents were watching on Zoom, and I remember crying as I said, ‘I do’. Everyone thought it was because I was so happy, but I was actually thinking, ‘What have I done? My parents aren’t here.” She also noted that of her family members’ views on her marriage, “I felt like they had been hinting to me, ‘You don’t have to go through with this.’”
Philipp went on to write for Grazia Daily that she went through a very unhappy marriage. After she and her husband separated, they filed for divorce, which was finalized in March of this year. Philipp lamented that she had ended up “paying out” to her ex-husband in the divorce. She said that paying her husband out and spending money on the divorce gave her the idea for the divorce party. Philipp noted, “I felt like, ‘If I’m going to [pay out] all of this money, then I should get a party to celebrate myself.’” Philipp also reasoned, “People choose to invest in a wedding because they think it’s an important moment in their life. I didn’t get to have that during COVID, so for me, the divorce party was that investment – and I spent $25,000 to $30,000.”
So, what exactly was Philipp’s divorce party like? The influencer and business coach hosted an “intimate party” in Miami Beach with the festivities lasting a full four days. Philipp stated that Miami was the perfect place for her divorce party, because even though she lives in Scotland, she was raised and went to school in Miami. She detailed the events, revealing, “We had a $2,500 family welcome dinner the night before the party at a gorgeous restaurant called Cecconi’s Miami Beach. We also had a pre-party at the W Hotel in South Beach, which hosted me in a giant suite costing $3,500. It was there I decided to do a lingerie photoshoot with a cake that said, ‘hottest ex-wife ever.’”
Philipp says that she thinks about her divorce party “every day.” She says of the untraditional event, “I’ve never had a more fun moment in my life” and “I have no regrets.”
If you are seeking a divorce in Miami and you need legal help, contact the experienced Miami divorce attorneys at True North Law, P.A. The experienced Miami divorce attorneys at True North Law, P.A. are here to help Miami individuals with their challenging divorce issues. Call True North Law, PA today and speak with an attorney about your case now.