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Miami Child Support & Custody Attorney / Blog / Child Support / Arrest of Cruise Ship Passenger Disembarking in Miami Shows Seriousness of Failure to Pay Child Support

Arrest of Cruise Ship Passenger Disembarking in Miami Shows Seriousness of Failure to Pay Child Support


Just after the 2024 Christmas holiday, on December 26, residents of Miami awoke to some perhaps surprising, even potentially shocking news. According to news reports, a man who had been aboard a cruise was arrested when the cruise disembarked in Miami for failure to pay child support. Weaver, a resident of Kentucky, is reported to have been on the run for more than a whopping 10 years before he was finally apprehended at the Miami cruise port. He had been on a holiday vacation sailing at sea on the cruise before his arrest, and he was brought back to Louisville, Kentucky, after his arrest.

But how much did Weaver owe in unpaid, court-ordered child support that caused investigators and authorities to fly to Miami to arrest him? Reports indicate that Weaver was quite behind on his child support payments. Weaver is said to have a total of four child support cases against him, amounting to a total of more than $100,000 in unpaid court-mandated child support payments. Of Weaver’s actions allegedly fleeing Kentucky and avoiding child support payments, Jefferson County Attorney Mike O’Connell noted that, “I don’t know when he left, but he fled the jurisdiction, and from the date of his sentence until today, and even today, he’s not paid one cent of child support.” O’Connell also added that of the four child support cases that are pending against Weaver, “Two more of those are ready for indictment again of more felonies.” Accordingly, O’Connell told newspapers that his plan was to request that the judge in Weaver’s case “revoke Weaver’s original sentence and ask that he be sentenced to four years in prison.”

Failure to Pay Child Support in Miami Can Result in Serious Consequences for Non-Compliant Parents under Florida Child Support Laws

The extreme case is an eye-opener for Miami parents with child support obligations. Under Florida child support laws, parents who fail to make court-ordered child support payments may be faced with civil penalties and may face garnishment of their wages and liens against their property. Failing to make child support payments in Miami can also result in criminal charges. A parent who fails to pay child support may be hit with misdemeanor or felony criminal charges, depending on how late the payment is and how much unpaid child support is owed.

Legal Help for Parents with Their Challenging Child Support Issues in Miami – Miami Child Support Attorney

It is clear that the failure to pay child support in Miami, and in other jurisdictions, can have serious consequences. If you are facing child support issues in Miami and you need legal help, it is important to get legal help right away. The experienced Miami child support attorneys at True North Law, P.A. are here to help Miami parents with their challenging child support issues. Do not hesitate to speak to a lawyer about your child support issues today. Contact True North Law, P.A. and speak to an experienced Miami child support attorney about your case now.



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